Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A huge confession

Posted by Denise at 7:56 AM
Well, I have disappointed myself.  I stopped doing my WW for one week and pigged out, and gained my 6 lbs back.  I'm so disappointed in myself.  How could I have done this?!?!  Maybe it was from the lack of support, the emotional roller coaster I've been growing through, the stress of the world, or the fact that I'm getting older and my so is my baby (she just started Kindergarten).  Just seems everything comes at the same time and at a bad time.  So, what do I turn I feel like I have no one to turn to, so the only thing that doesn't let me down is food, but in a way it does let me down.  Food  makes me feel good while going down, but the after effects are harsh.  And then you hop on the scale and yet again...HARSH.  So, why do I keep relying on food to help with my problems?!?!  I just need to quit, right?   I can't!  I'm addicted and food is something we NEED.  Not like alcohol and can just quit buying it, and we don't need alcohol. Food is all around us and something we have to have to survive.  It's so hard.  I did walk today and I feel great now.  The whole time I just kept thinking of how I have gained so much weight and I feel ugly and not myself, so it pushed me to keep walking!  Once I get ready, I'm going to go in my car and measure how far I walked.  Felt like forever.....but prob like 0.5, but it's a start.  I have plans of jogging soon, but have to work my way up.  I have bad knees and ankles from arthritis and so building them up by walking first, will help with that transition.  I was diagnosed with arthritis at a young age of 17.  I won't let it stop me.  I don't want to be an overweight old woman having to use an electric scooter to get from one place to another.  I just won't let that happen.  I can't!  

Today, I'm going to the store to get some apples and water.  Both are suppose to be natural appetite depressants, so apples will be my best friend for a while.  We will see.  WW started back today.  I really need a partner. My husband is not good help. Anyone want to start a group to start walking everyday?  Would be a great motivation because we could tell each other to get our lazy butts up and get to walking..hehe.  Oh and another goal....I'm wanting to start getting back in shape to play softball next year.  So I would need A LOT of practice.  :) 

****Results on walk-I walked 1.6 miles.  :) Didn't seem that long.  Yayy


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