Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Posted by Denise at 8:07 PM
I started writing this blog to share my struggles, recipes, etc etc.  I wanted to motivate others through this blog by letting them know they aren't alone.  It's so hard to lose weight, especially when you are addicted to food.  That's right?!  I'm addicted to food.  So right now, I'm having a hard time and my motivation is down.  Even after reaching my first goal of losing 6 lbs, I'm unmotivated.   It's like a drug addict not having their drug.  Well, I haven't gotten my fix of food.  I really want to lose this weight, but this addiction is starting to overcome me.  "Just eat it Denise.  You will always be overweight, so just eat." That's what my mind keeps repeating over and over.  Because of all this, I have been somewhat emotional,depressed, angry, sad.........I'm starting to feel alone.   I shouldn't be feeling this way, right?  After all I started this blog to bring motivation to all who reads this, but yet I'm feeling like giving up.  This urge is hard. 

The first week was a breeze.  This second week, not so much.  I'm not going to give up.  It's mind over matter here.  I can't give up.  I want this BAD!   I just wish this addiction would just go away. I keep picturing myself smaller and I keep thinking of my role model, Ruby.  It helps!  But how much longer will it help.  (Maybe that little bit of yelling will help..lol)

These are my confessions!!!!  And I'm one hungry MOM!!!! 


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