Saturday, August 14, 2010

A tiny bump in the road of success!!

Posted by Denise at 7:31 PM
If you've been reading my blog, you know I've been on WW since Monday!  Well, yesterday being Day 4, I had a craving.  A bad craving.  A craving for a BIG burger.  I thought about it and thought about and finally, I decided what the heck and got a small burger and fries from Sonic® (I love Sonic®).  I did my research before I went.  I was able to use my weekly allowance points for the burger and fries and still have a lot left over.  I'm proud of myself because I could have gotten something way worse with a LOT more calories.  When trying to lose weight or maintaining your weight, we shouldn't deprive ourselves of things like that.  If we stopped eating them all together, then what's going to happen one day when you haven't had it in months?   You're most likely going to pig out and eat way more than you should and regret it later.  I'm glad I took the approach that I did and didn't go for a bigger, higher caloric burger.  I would have been disappointed in myself!  I was content with my small burger. Now that craving is gone and I didn't deprive myself.  Might not have been a healthy choice but I feel if we eat things in moderation then we can have anything what we want or crave. 


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