Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Posted by Denise at 10:02 AM
I wanted to share with everyone who reads my blog, someone who is a true inspiration to me.  Ruby Gettinger!!!  This woman has come through a lot and lost her weight on her own.  I don't get to watch her show has much as I would like to, but she's still an inspiration. Her heaviest weight was 716 pounds!!!!  She now weighs less than 350 lbs.  How amazing is that.  All that weight gone and doing it on her own.  No surgery, no shakes, no Jenny Craig, just eating healthy!!!!!  How can she not be an inspiration.  Every time I think of her, it makes me keep going. 

We have a lot in common too.  Both Southern Belles, love spending time with our friends, loves music, both of us struggled with our weight since childhood, and lastly both of us hoping to bring inspiration to others. (She has truly done so.)  She of course is well-known and has lost a lot more weight then myself, but every little inspiration can be a huge one to someone Else's life!

She looks amazing!  BEAUTIFUL!!!!!


Sarah on August 19, 2010 at 1:21 PM said...

You can do it girl! I always notice myself struggling especially when I don't have fresh fruits and veggies in my house readily available. And if I get into a I think I need to eat, I will make myself eat so many strawberries I won't think of stuffing anything else into my mouth! I have trouble with mindless eating especially when I haven't exercised lately as well. I think I crave the feel good endorphins more than I crave the actual food. If I exercise first, I am less likely to eat comfort food.

Sarah on August 19, 2010 at 1:22 PM said...

okay I was trying to post on your last post, not this one, but you get the point!

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