Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Healthier Choices

Posted by Denise at 6:28 PM
This is day 2 on WW.  Yesterday went pretty good, and even though today isn't quite over yet, it was a good day as well with my eating habits.  Last night I made a salad; roasted some red potatoes with EVOO, garlic powder, onion powder, S&P, and parsley; and then baked chicken breasts with the same ingredients that I used on the potatoes.  It was a very delicious supper and it smelled just as good as it tasted. 

Tonight we had chicken as well, but changed it up a little.  I used something I had never used before.  I was shopping in my local grocery store and saw a buggy full of reduced items.  I picked up a spice made by HOKAN called Five Spice Powder.  The five spices are: Fennel seed, star anise, ginger, cloves, and cinnamon.  It was only $.57. It spelled good and I love all those spices, so I said what the heck and got it.  I decided to give it a try and use my new spice for supper.  I saw a recipe on the back called "Hunan Chicken" but it was covered with the reduced price sticker and went to peel it off and half of the recipe came off with it, so I'm missing half the recipe.  But it gave me an idea and I ended up creating my own recipe. 

1lb Chicken Breast
1/2 cup Teriyaki
1/2 an onion
2 tbsp minced garlic
1tbsp of Five Spice Powder

Marinate all the above ingredients for a least 10 minutes. The longer, the better. ( you can add more of the spice and/or garlic, according to your taste)

Bake until no longer pink in the center on 350 degrees.  Simple and delicious. 

My oldest, Autumn, thought we were eating Chinese food.  It was that good.  And my picky 3 year old liked it too! I sauteed some zucchini, onions, and garlic together and cooked rice which I added a little bit of teriyaki and soy sauce to complete the meal.  7 WW pts for the entire meal and the best part...the kids loved it.


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