Sunday, September 12, 2010

Everyday struggles.....

Posted by Denise at 7:35 PM
I took this from my facebook.  I wrote this the other day.  I know it's different then my normal blogs, but I wanted to share this with a lot of you.  I don't mean to sound depressed lately.  Just going through a lot in my life right now and finding when I blog about it, it helps a little.  Like I'm letting out some frustrations and letting my voice be somewhat heard.

I've had a struggle that I've been having pretty much my whole life and lately it seems to be bothering me more and more! My shyness! I feel it gets in the way of meeting new people! I feel people look at me and think it's because I'm "stuck up", "snobby", etc. But if you really get to know me, you know I'm not really any of those! I have a huge heart, least I like to think I do! Then I start looking at my shyness as a gift from God. Because I don't talk much, I can listen better! Maybe that could be it! I like to listen to people if they have a problem. I might not always have a solution, but I can pray. And yes, I can keep a secret because I don't go about talking to other and telling all. I also like to write and writing really lets me express myself when I can't say it. I can write inspirational words all day, but trying to get them out of my mouth, they just don't come out the same or the way I want them too! I just wish more people understood who I really was and not let this shyness keep them away or try to change it because it's who I am!

I have also lost many friends because sometimes this shy girl needs to let things out herself, and I trust too much and then everything I trusted that that person could keep to themselves, tells all! It's devastating to know you can't trust many people anymore. I guess I think more people are like me and can keep secrets to themselves. It hurts even more when these people go back and use your secrets for their advantage and/or makes up lies to make themselves feel/look better. These are things I'm struggling with and learning everyday. There's only one thing I can do at this point for all these issues I'm currently having....PRAY!!!


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